Core Policy Statements

These Policies will be actively monitored by The Key Changes Board and reviewed at least annually. 

            2.1       Health and Safety

Key Changes Music Therapy is committed to meeting in full our duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of staff, volunteers, contractors, clients and members of the public.

Also, we will carry out risk assessments for our activities and services as the basis for creating good risk management practice.


The Chair of the Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring we adhere to our Health and Safety Policy Statement.

The Lead Therapy Coordinator is responsible for ensuring we operate in alignment with our Health and Safety Procedures and take proper account of the guidance that goes along with it. They are also responsible for maintaining properly reviewed risk assessments covering:

  • accessing and working within a range of venues, including our own premises and those of our clients;

  • working with a range of different client needs and expectations and

  • infection control and management.

Procedures and Guidance

The Key Changes Music Therapy Handbook provides the required procedures and guidance for staff, volunteers and contractors, covering the following areas related to our Health and Safety Policy:

  • Ensuring the health and safety of our staff, volunteers and clients during our activities at the Key Changes’ premises;

  • Our responsibilities for health and safety whilst operating at outreach sites;

  • Lone and remote working practices;

  • Delivering on-line services to clients;

  • Infection control measures during face to face working with clients

            2.2       Safeguarding

We are committed to the protection of the children, young people, vulnerable adults and older people who are our clients as well as the children of our clients.

We believe our clients and their children should never experience abuse, neglect or harm of any kind and that we have a responsibility to promote their welfare, to keep them safe and to practise in a way that protects them.

We recognise that:

            a. The welfare of our clients is paramount.

            b. All clients, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, gender, or sexual orientation have a right to equal protection from all types of abuse, neglect or harm.

            c. Some children are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication needs or other issues.

            d. Working in partnership is essential in promoting our client’s welfare.

d. Some children can become exposed to different views and receive information from radical or extreme sources.

            e. Vulnerable adults and older people as well as children and young people can also be subject to abuse.


The Chair of the Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring we adhere to our Safeguarding Policy Statement and for ensuring appropriate action has been taken in response to safeguarding reports and incidents.

The Lead Therapy Coordinator is responsible for ensuring we operate in alignment with our Safeguarding Procedures and take proper account of the guidance that goes along with it. They are also responsible for maintaining properly reviewed register of safeguarding reports and incidents.

The Chair and Lead Therapy Coordinator will both undertake regular training to maintain current Level 3 Safeguarding competence.

Procedures and Guidance

The Key Changes Music Therapy ‘Handbook’ provides the required procedures and guidance for staff, volunteers and contractors, covering the following areas related to our
Safeguarding Policy:

  • The registrations and training required of our therapists, core team and volunteers;

  • Relevant risk assessments;

  • Guidance on the use of visual images from client interactions;

  • How to report a concern;

  • Additional guidance and sources of advice on, among other things;

    • safeguarding of children, young people, adults and seniors,

    • how to respond to an allegation being shared,

    • how to keep a record of concern,

    • the role we should play in preventing radicalisation of children and young people.

2.3       Data Protection and GDPR

We are committed to meeting our obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation Act 2018 and will maintain registration with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Key Changes personnel will observe these obligations in all gathering and processing of subject data and will comply with any legitimate subject access requests. We will ensure all our personnel are aware of their responsibilities regarding their access to personal information.

            2.4       Risk Management

The Trustees will maintain a view, as part of their ongoing responsibilities, on the nature, scale, immediacy and likely impact of the financial, legal, reputational, health and safety, environmental and operational risks to the organisation and its personnel. Risks will be actively managed in order to mitigate any immediate effects on our business and to maintain our external reputation and the quality of our services.


The Chair of the Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring we adhere to our Risk Management Policy Statement and for ensuring The Board are enabled and suitably qualified and experienced to identify, manage and mitigate (by either treating, tolerating, terminating or transferring) risks to the organisation so they do not become issues.

Board Members and representatives, contracted staff and volunteers are responsible for promptly identifying both new, emerging risks and changes in the likelihood of occurrence or potential impact of existing risks.

Procedures and Guidance

Although Procedures and Guidelines in the Key Changes Music Therapy Handbook are not collated under one ‘Risk Management’ section, all aspects of our Procedures and Guidance provided should be considered as contributory to our management of risk.

           2.5       Equality and Diversity

Our aims are to create a workforce that is diverse, promotes positivity and instils a can-do attitude in everyone, including our clients and beneficiaries, regardless of their background or characteristics.

We will not discriminate on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Everyone will be treated fairly, with respect and will be given equal opportunity in every aspect of their working role. 

Therapy work will be allocated with fairness and clarity and be provided for clients subject to the availability of funds and suitably skilled therapists. All volunteers are welcome, subject to experience, time, commitment, and general suitability for the voluntary roles we may require.


The Chair of the Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring we adhere to our Equality and Diversity Policy Statement.

The Lead Therapy Coordinator is responsible for ensuring we operate in alignment with our Equality and Diversity Procedures and take proper account of the Guidance that goes along with it.

Procedures and Guidance

Although Procedures and Guidelines in the Key Changes Music Therapy Handbook are not collated under one ‘Equality and Diversity’ section, the following aspects of our Procedures and Guidance provided should be considered as contributory:

  • Allocation of therapy work;

  • Recruitment;

  • Induction and

  • Continuing Professional Development

            2.6       Finances and Reserves

Trustees are responsible for the financial and contractual management of all activities and will call for regular reports from the Lead Therapy Co-ordinator and Finance Administrator on actual and forecast income and expenditure, in order to make reliable and informed decisions.

In relation to reserves, the Trustees aim to hold sufficient reserves equivalent to our therapy commitments and administrative expenses for a period of 6 months.


The Chair of the Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring we adhere to our Finance and Reserves Policy Statement and for ensuring The Board are enabled and suitably qualified and experienced to identify, manage and mitigate (by either treating, tolerating, terminating or transferring) financial risks to the organisation so they do not become issues.

Board Members and representatives, contracted staff and volunteers are responsible for promptly identifying both new, emerging financial risks and changes in the likelihood of occurrence or potential impact of existing financial risks.